Introducing RocketPad, a community driven, fair launched IDO platform built on Binance Smart Chain.

2 min readApr 22, 2021

Binance Smart Chain’s demand has raised significantly mainly in light of the scalability, low fees etc. No doubt BSC has the potential to be a real competitor to Ethereum and we are about to see a huge flow of existent projects from other chains and especially new projects to be built on BSC.

The defi space has become bigger and as part of its growth the industry needs smarter solutions for new projects to raise funds, based a quality community, engage with the participants and enjoy a smooth and successful launch. The average crypto user and new projects suffer challenges in new investment opportunities and establishing a project with smart go-to-market strategy, and this is where RocketPad comes to you.


RocketPad is a community driven, fair launched defi project built on Binance Smart Chain. RocketPad ($RPAD) token is a next-gen cryptocurrency that combines launchpad, auto-liquidity, frictionless yield, and token burn.

100% Community Driven: Community driven, fair launched project. Team added 80% of the token supply to LP on PancakeSwap and participate in the fair launch with community.

Automatic Liquidity Pool: Every transaction contributes toward automatically generating further liquidity on Pancake Swap. This creates a rising price floor and better security long-term.

Anti-Whales Property: The trade which is more than 0.05% of the total supply will be rejected. Whales who make a transfer of more than 0.05% of the total supply will be charged 2 BNB.

RFI Static Rewards: 5% of every transaction is re-distributed to all $RPAD holders. $RPAD holders earn passive rewards through static reflection.

Auto Burning Liquidity: All initial liquidity provided has been locked and burnt. Burning lp tokens means locking the liquidity forever.

Participate in IDO’s: All the $RPAD token holders can participate in the IDO’s based on the amount of $RPAD holding in their wallets.

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More details about our partners, collaborations and supporters will be revealed as we progress. Stay tuned!

